July 12-13, 2014
San Jose Buddhist Church calendar here640 N. 5th Street, SJ, 95112
Obon/Bazaar: (every year in mid July) Japantown's largest festival with two days of game booths, food booths, cultural exhibits and demonstrations, the Chidori Band, San Jose Taiko and over 1,200 dancers in full costume each evening. A San Jose Buddhist Church Betsuin event. Contact (408) 293-9292 or visit the website at www.sjbetsuin.com
Obon Odori practice (dancing practice)
(cultural note* - in Japan, many people know the dances from growing up with them. Obon season (summer) is when people go home to visit relatives and pay respects to their ancestors.
Here, we have obon dance practices because many people are shy and don't want to make mistakes. However, the real spirit of Obon dance is to just JOIN IN! )
The Obon Festival celebrates ancestors and relatives who have passed away but it's far from a downer. Festive lanterns hang from the streetlights, making the party easier to find for the spirits. The teriyaki, sushi, shortcake and tempura booths offer good eats. And the Bon Odori dance offers entertainment all. Every year, the traditional dance draws hundreds of participants from young kids with happi coats and Pokeman fans to grandmothers in elegant Japanese kimonos. The Obon Festival is Japantown's largest cultural event filled with game booths, food, cultural exhibits and demonstrations, music by the Chidori Band, San Jose Taiko and dancers in full costume each evening.
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