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So you decided to visit Silicon Valley and/or San Francisco and want to know where to go. Here is a hand full of places you can visit during your stay. Of course there is plenty more to do and see then what’s listed below, but this should be a good start for you
Saturday, October 18 | |
7 a.m. | Pancake Breakfast, Mac Dutra Park, Main St. @ Kelly Ave. |
9 a.m. | Festival Opens |
10 a.m. | Costume Contest, HMB Library Parking Lot, 620 Correas St. |
12 noon | Great Pumpkin Parade |
2 p.m. | Pie Eating Contest (age 11 and under), Bank of America lot |
2:15 p.m. | Pie Eating Contest (age 12 and over), Bank of America lot |
5 p.m. | Festival Closes |
Sunday, October 19 | |
7 a.m. | Pancake Breakfast, Mac Dutra Park, Main St. @ Kelly Ave. |
8 a.m. | Pumpkin Run/Walk on Coastside Trail 5K Run + "Enhanced" 5K Run, 5K Walk, & Kids Fun Run Starts at Hatch School (Kelly Ave. @ Hwy. 1) Run Info-line: 650-712-7322 or www.seniorcoastsiders.org |
9 a.m. | Festival Opens |
10 a.m. | Pumpkin Carving for Fun (not a contest), Bank of America lot |
2 p.m. | Pie Eating Contest (age 11 and under), Bank of America lot |
2:15 p.m. | Pie Eating Contest (age 12 and over), Bank of America lot |
5 p.m. | Festival Closes |
Admission is free No Pets Please Info-Line: 650-726-9652 Facebook: www.facebook.com/HalfMoonBayPumpkinFestival Twitter: www.twitter.com/HMBPumpkinFest |
15400 Montalvo Road
Saratoga, CA 95070 408-961-5858 |